Valerie Dow & Tina Angell

Valerie Dow & Tina Angell

Thursday, September 30, 2010

You Can't Afford Not to

"I Can't Afford a Cybertary!"

Why You Can't Afford Not to Have a Cybertary

Starting out in business is expensive and so business owners come to the conclusion that they can take care of everything themselves. Wrong! The job of a business owner is to market their business and increase profits.

Taking care of administrative tasks takes you away from your main focus. There are so many tasks to take care of on a daily basis, if you attempt them all on your own; you will burn out very quickly. Thousands of people start businesses each year, less than half succeed; you don't want to be the half that didn't make it.

Let's take a look at a day in the life of a busy business owner:


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

K7 Web-Based Fax and Voicemail Messaging - Free!

Don't you hate running back to the office just to pick up an important fax? Or what about making excuses to step out of client meetings in order to call your voicemail-again!-only to find out that important call hasn't come in just yet? Well, the masterminds over at K7 have you and your important on-the-go business in mind. Their FREE web-based unified messaging tool unties you from your office and sets you free into the world of the true telecommute.

The K7 system provides you a designated number that you may give to your clients and then reroutes voicemail and fax messages to your email so you can get up-to-the-minute responses from your clients and other important people. With K7, you'll enjoy these benefits:


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

10 Exciting New Online Tools

In today's technology mecca, offering a wide array of remote access tools, accessible "software as a service" (SAAS) and other convenient online and offline tools, it's never been a better time to be running a small business, even from the comforts of home. With the click of your mouse, you can find all kinds of affordable tools that can bring your smaller company's operations up to the same speed with larger ones. Developers are conceiving highly intelligent, incredibly functional online tools faster than you can Google for them.

At Cybertary, we always look for fresh and innovative online tools that can simplify the lives of our clients and our other friends in the small business community. Here are ten exciting new online tools that have piqued our interest and may make your business life's day to day a little easier.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Virtual assistants, real opportunities

Skilled professionals drawn to Cybertary
For AJC Jobs

As a financial executive for a large engineering firm, Patricia Beckman had it all in 2004 — the impressive job, the big paycheck and the collection of business suits. Her two daughters didn’t care. All they knew was that mom was gone most of the time.
Leita Cowart, Special Raymond Gordon started his own virtual assistant business as a Cybertary franchise owner.

“When my company offered me a promotion that would mean even more travel, my husband and I took a vacation to Hawaii. After several days, I decompressed and realized that I didn’t want the promotion. I didn’t even want the job I had. I wanted to be with my kids,” she said.

Beckman resigned and began researching ideas to start a company.

“When I hit on a description of virtual assistants, the light bulb came on,” she said. Nine months later, in 2005, she launched Cybertary from her home in Sacramento, Calif.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Quick Tip: Go Green with e-Faxing

e-Faxing is a completely paperless alternative for the environmentally conscious.
Check out this Fact from Energy Star: 
According to Energy Star, one of the most energy-intensive pieces of business equipment is the paper-intensive fax machine, because it is often left on around the clock. A single fax machine consumes between 30 and 350 watts per hour. Also, paper production is second only to petroleum in terms of energy used by U.S. industries.

Benefits of e-Faxing:
  • Works as easily as email
  • Access faxes by email from any online source
  • Saves space in your office
  • Eliminates the worry and hassle of running out of paper or emitting a busy signal
  • Saves you money on the extra fax line and fax supplies; plus, you can save many faxes electronically rather than print them all out. 


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Online Postage

 Say Goodbye to the Lines at the Post Office and Handle All Your Postage Needs Online

Does the idea of wasting another lunch or personal hour in line at the post office get you down? Well, go ahead and perk up because now there are all kinds of snazzy postage services available on the Internet. Buy and print postage and mailing labels, purchase stamps and even schedule your packages to be picked up at your home or office-all courtesy of the World Wide Web.

What Are the Advantages of Using Online Postage?


Monday, September 13, 2010

What are your clients thinking?

Knowing exactly what your clients and prospects are thinking is a big part of the marketing game.

Often times small business owners think they know what their customers want, but assumption is a primary tool of choice drawing these conclusions.

The best way to really know what a market thinks about something is to ask. Run the idea up the old flagpole and see what kind of response you get. The Internet is spawning a whole new set of tools that can help the smallest of businesses tap the collective wisdom, or least collective opinion, of the masses when trying to make even the simplest business decisions.

Online surveys have become a powerful tool for the small business. By asking your clients everything from how much should I charge to what's the best color for our logo you can effectively test your assumptions before you push something out to the market.

Surveys are also a great way to monitor how you are doing in the eyes of your customers. Creating simple satisfaction surveys and serving them up to each individual customer allows you to find holes in your customer service and collect comments, good and bad, from the street.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Remembering your Resolutions all Year Long

2010 is over half over. What better time than now to remember your New Years Resolutions made back in January? Were any of the below a resolution for you and are they sticking?
  1. Create Better Work/Life Balance
  2. Implement Time Blocking to Manage your Day
  3. Keep in Touch With Clients
  4. Say Goodbye to Spam
  5. Sign Up for Online Banking
  6. Say Hello With VOIP
  7. Get Together With Web Conferencing
  8. Spread the Word With Pay-Per-Click Advertising
  9. Talk Right Now With Instant Messaging
  10. Let Cybertary Help Contact Cybertary now!
Share with us; we love to hear from you!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day to all this Monday September 6th, 2010.

We hope you enjoy a day off work spent with family and friends! Traditionally, Labor Day symbolically indicates the end of summer, but not to worry because the official end of summer isn't until Wednesday September 22nd.

Have a safe, fun holiday and relax!

It is tradition to BBQ on Labor Day; are you BBQing this year?


Friday, September 3, 2010

QuickTip: How long to keep what paperwork?

Are you drowning in a sea of paperwork and files 'just in case' because you're not sure what you're supposed to save and for how long? Develop a clutter-free lifstyle by following these simple tips:

Keep for Three Months
  • Credit card statements
  • Insurance bills
  • Paycheck stubs
  • Utility bills
Keep until you have Checked Against Statement
  • ATM and debit receipts
  • Deposit slips
  • Purchase receipts (unless they apply to a warranty or tax claim, then keep with warranties or taxes)
  • Utility bills
Keep for One Year
  • Canceled checks (unless they apply to a tax claim)
  • Check registers
Keep for Three Years
  • Bank statements
  • Tax returns and all related receipts
Items to Keep for a Long Term
  • Insurance policies (until they go out of effect)
  • Legal documents, such as adoption papers and contracts
  • Military papers
  • Mortgage paperwork (until three years after you move)
  • Patents and copyrights
  • Records relating to the cost of home or property improvements
  • Warranties (until you don't have the item anymore)
Items to Keep for a Lifetime
  • Automobile titles
  • Inventory of home and wallet
  • Life documents (birth, marriage certificates)
  • Property deed
  • Stock and bond certificates
  • Trust papers (will, power of attorney, health care directive)
Toss Every Month
  • ATM And bank-deposit slips, after you've recorded the amounts in your check register and checked them against your monthly bank statement.
  • Credit-card receipts, after you've checked to make sure the item appears correctly on your monthly statement.
  • Sales receipts for minor purchases, after you've satisfactorily used the item and if it has no warranty.

Toss After One Year
  • Monthly bank and credit-card Statement (if you don't itemize deductions).
  • Monthly or quarterly brokerage and mutual-fund statements, after you've reconciled them with your year-end summary.
  • Monthly mortgage statements, as long as your year-end statement clearly shows the total amount you've paid in interest and property taxes over the course of the year.
  • Phone and utility bills (as long as you don't have a home office, use your phone for business calls, or anticipate any need to prove long-term residency).
  • Paycheck stubs, after you've reconciled them with your annual W-2 or 1099 forms.

Retain for Seven Years
  • W-2 AND 1099 forms.
  • Year-end statements from credit-card companies.
  • Phone and utility bills (only if you deduct any portion for business expenses, have more than one home, or have moved within the past few years).
  • Canceled checks and receipts/statements for: annual mortgage interest and property taxes, deductible business expenses, child-care bills, out-of-pocket medical costs, or any other tax-deductible expense.

Keep Indefinitely

  • Your annual tax returns. Your year-end summaries from financial-services companies.
  • Confirmation slips that list the purchase price of any investments you own.
  • Home-improvement records.
  • Receipts for major purchases. (any item whose replacement cost exceeds the deductible on your homeowners' or renters' insurance policy).
  • Beneficiary designations.

Be sure to shred the documents you can now discard! How many of you can now free up some file space?


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hands-On E-Newsletter Workshop: September 15th, 2010

So, you know you need to have an E-Newsletter, but you're just not sure what to do?
Attend Cybertary's Hands-On E-Newsletter Workshop, where you will learn how to:
  • Select and customize your newsletter template
  • Learn how to import your contact list and add new contacts
  • Format your content and add graphics
  • Learn how to view and analyze your newsletter statistics
  • Leave with a working newsletter that you can start using immediately to market to your customers
If you've been thinking about starting an electronic newsletter, or you just want to check out what is involved in setting one up, this is an excellent opportunity for you to do just that.  

Join us! 
Roseville Chamber Office
650 Douglas Blvd. 
September 15, 2010 
11:30am - 1:00pm (bring your lunch & laptop)

If you would like more information about the class, please contact us at or (916) 303.4550 or click here to register.

Prior to the class we will set up your free 60-day Constant Contact account so you are ready to get started at the workshop. (Must be registered 3 days prior to allow for account set up.)

Best of all?? Mention this blog post and we'll waive the $75 registration fee!

Space is limited, so register today. See you there!